Nearly 100 Million Americans Traveling This Holiday Season


The American Automobile Association (AAA) projects that 98.6 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the year-end holiday season, an increase of four percent from the 94.8 million people who traveled last year. This number is the highest growth rate for the year-end holiday season since 2009 and the highest travel volume for the holiday period on record. The year-end holiday period is defined as Tuesday, December 23 to Sunday, January 4.

“’Tis the season for holiday travel, and this year more Americans will join with friends and family to celebrate the holidays and ring in the New Year than ever before,” said Marshall L. Doney, AAA President and Chief Operating Officer. “While the economy continues to improve at an uneven pace, it seems more Americans are looking forward with increasing consumer confidence, rather than looking back at the recession. This is helping to drive expected travel volumes to the highest level we have seen for the year-end holidays.”

“Lower gas prices are filling stockings with a little more cash to spend on travel this year as travelers are expected to pay the lowest prices since 2009,” continued Doney. “Lower prices are increasing disposable income and enabling families to set aside money for travel this year.”

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